Dangerous dare ends in loss of life.
Adrenaline Junkie Falls To His Death After His Chute Didn’t Open Properly Fell Onto Rocks Below
Onlookers claimed he may have tripped.
Lighting Strike During Soccer Game Kills One Player And Leaves Other Floored
Players were walking off the pitch when it happened.
Reveller Gets Shot And Bleeds Heavily At Pool Party Found Sitting Against A Wall Dead
No motive for the killing has been released.
Teenager And 25 Year Old Man Murdered For Their Music Being Too Loud
Neighbour attacked them in their own home.
Jealous Husband Stabs Wife To Death On Facebook Live While Singing Karaoke
Jealousy after being in contact with her ex husband.
Teen Bullying Another Ends Up In The Hospital When The Victim Fights Back
He hit his head on the tarmac.
Man Executed While Holding His Daughters Hand On Halloween Trick Or Treat
Cold blooded contract killer.
Man Shot In The Back And Then Multiple Times In The Head Over Debt
Suspicion of gun running operation argument.
Uber Driver Is Shot Dead In Front Of A Nightclub In Bahia While Dropping Off A Client
In the early hours of Thursday (31), a ride-hailing driver was fatally shot in front of…